Walking in a Writer's Wonderland

Merry Christmas guys! As many of you know, this is my favourite time of year, and I can’t help but create another tag game for you all. (You know I love a good tag) This year, I’m changing gears slightly and focusing the questions on reading, instead of writing (Check out my tag from last year here). Answer these questions based on your favourite books, your current read, or any characters you’d like!
Find the Word Tag

I was tagged by my friend Nancy in a fun tag involving searching for three specific words in my current novel. One of my favourite Twitter Hashtag games is #WIPWordSearch, so I am all for doing this tag! Check out Nancy’s post here. Rules: Find the words you’re given in your WIP. Then share the context containing the word. Next, tag people and give them 3 new words. The words Nancy gave me are: SILENCE, TIME, and LIGHT.
30 Questions Tag

Alright so…another TAG!! :D Thanks to my dear friend Scarlett, I’m back with a 30 question tag, and couldn’t be happier. What do you hope to communicate to your audience with your WIP? We all have more strength in us than we know. Sometimes our life circumstances have pressed that strength waaaay down. But it’s there…and it’ll find it’s way out. Also, some of us grow up thinking we always have to behave ourselves.
I'm Dreaming of a Write Christmas

Hello All, It’s December, which means I am in full-blown Christmas mode. This week’s post is a fun writers tag I created for the holiday season! This one will be mostly about my book, helping you guys to know the characters better :) For anyone else who wants to do the tag, here are the rules: Start with a brief book description Don’t use one character more than twice (Ok 3 times if you need to, but you lose 2 candy cane points and a gumdrop button.
20 Questions Tag

I came across these fun 20 questions for authors tag on Inkblots and Iceburg’s blog. I decided to make it this weeks post, since next weeks post is going to be a Christmas Tag about my book! So, here is a bit more about me and my writing :) What type of writing do you do? I write fiction, aimed at young adult (YA) and new adult (NA) readers. What genres and/or topics do you write about?