Find the Word Tag

I was tagged by my friend Nancy in a fun tag involving searching for three specific words in my current novel. One of my favourite Twitter Hashtag games is #WIPWordSearch, so I am all for doing this tag! Check out Nancy’s post here. Rules: Find the words you’re given in your WIP. Then share the context containing the word. Next, tag people and give them 3 new words. The words Nancy gave me are: SILENCE, TIME, and LIGHT.
About My Book

Hey guys, Welcome to my writing blog. Today I am going to tell you a bit about my book because, well, that’s why we’re here. Next week I will delve into myself as a writer, including why most of you didn’t even know I love to write. So, let’s dive in! Book title (Tentatively): The Secrets They Keep: Guardian Society Book 1 This is book 1 in a series. How many other books in the series?