I was tagged by my friend Nancy in a fun tag involving searching for three specific words in my current novel. One of my favourite Twitter Hashtag games is #WIPWordSearch, so I am all for doing this tag! Check out Nancy’s post here.
Rules: Find the words you’re given in your WIP. Then share the context containing the word. Next, tag people and give them 3 new words. The words Nancy gave me are: SILENCE, TIME, and LIGHT. Let’s do this!
After a few anxious breaths, Seth reaches down, taking my hand and pulling me towards the small forest behind my building. The whole neighbourhood is asleep, our footsteps crunching dried leaves and sticks pierces the silence.
I fill my tank and buy a magazine to kill time, not unfamiliar with my mom’s disregard for keeping people waiting. The new issue of Canadian Geographic has a wolf on the cover, so I get it for Caleb; he loves wolves. He calls them woofs, and I’m not going to correct that level of adorable.
I scream but Frane clamps a large hand over my mouth. The smell of dirt fills my nostrils as my knees hit phantom damp dirt. My body is ripped from the ground as my eyes flash between the Guardian hallway and a blinding light in a forest. The two scenes are so disorienting, I claw at the arms holding me, both real and imagined.
I tag: Scarlett Olivier, Rowan Liddell, and Ryan Medina Your words are: RUN, TILT, and HARD.
I have a couple of book reviews coming soon :) -Alison